
to pure breed
Doodle dogs


Short story

Maya finds an abandoned labradoodle puppy under a porch and names it Snowflake. They quickly become inseparable and Maya discovers the happiness of having a dog.

During a walk, Flocon is very gentle with children, which inspires Maya to dedicate her life to helping others live this joy.

She became a professional labradoodle breeder and created a shelter for abandoned animals.

Through her work, Maya allows many people to experience the happiness of living with a doodle dog, just as she did with Flocon.


Recent Canines


4 500 $


1 500 $


1 900 $


1 800 $


2 000 $


The advantages of our puppies

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Lifelong Companions:

Our Puppies grow into loyal and devoted dogs, providing companionship and emotional support for many years to come.

Fast Learners:

Our Puppies are eager to please and with consistent training, they can quickly learn basic commands and good manners.

Social Butterflies:

Our Puppies can be excellent conversation starters and help you connect with other dog lovers in your neighborhood or at the park.

Full of Love and Laughter:

Our Puppies bring unconditional love and joy into your life. Their playful antics and boundless enthusiasm are guaranteed to bring a smile to your face.

Maya has lovely, well-educated dogs. They are always happy to see me and always make me smile. I thank Maya for everything she does for her animals. Feel free to contact Maya to learn more about her dogs.
Jane Ledner
Community manager